OPS SIRIUS col pozitiv

The Sirius Foundation, guided by its aim of active involvement in issues regarding vulnerable children, founded the charitable trust OPS Sirius, o.p.s. (hereinafter OPS Sirius) Its mission is to implement projects that will lead to improvements in and development of the quality of children’s lives. One of the priorities is to identify areas where help is most needed and to initiate, based on the information obtained, the necessary steps and find the missing solutions.

Memorantum of Association of a Public Benefit Corporation
Nadace Sirius
30. 10. 2008, Public Benefit Corporation Register maintained by Prague City Court, Section O, Entry no. 617
284 71 474
Bank details
PPF Banka, Evropská 2690/17, 160 41 Prague 6
Account number
Registered office
U Prašné brány 1079/3, 110 00, Praha 1, Czech Republic
+420 702 026 600


OPS Sirius Bodies

Board of Directors

Andrea Zunová, Chairman
Svatava Poulson, Member
Nicole Groesslová, Member

Supervisory Board

Martina Kolářová, Chairman
Petra Dostalová, Member
Lenka Chodilíková, Member


Dana Lipová